
Francesco Barcellona

Francesco Barcellona

Francesco has experience working across policy issues focusing on education, skills and labour markets.

He has also worked on antitrust litigations and market investigation cases and has given strategic advice to large clients in the financial services and retail sectors. His work regularly uses quantitative methods such as econometrics modelling to analyse policy, strategic and antitrust issues. 

Recent examples of his work include regression analysis to study the impact of digital microbusiness density on local economic outcomes in the UK; analysis of job transitions of NHS workers in order to understand the factors driving recruitment and retention among nursing and other staff; study of the economic value of higher teaching quality in the UK; policy evaluation analysis of the UK Automotive Transformation Fund.

Prior to joining Frontier in 2019 Francesco completed a BSc and an MSc in Economics from Bocconi University and worked as a research assistant at the Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER) at Bocconi University. 

He is registered as an approved researcher at the ONS and he is also a Mental Health First Aider. He is fluent in Italian and French.