Damien O'Flaherty

Damien O'Flaherty

Damien is a Managing Director at Frontier. 

Damien has worked extensively for regulators and market participants in Europe on price control design and implementation, gas and electricity trading arrangements and interconnection, capacity mechanism design and incentive design.  Damien also has extensive experience of advising market participants on the impact of changes in European Directives and Network Codes on national market arrangements.

Recently, Damien has led our work advising on changes to the market arrangements needed to facilitate the European Target Model, focussing particularly on the different options for further integration of the Irish and UK markets.  In relation to renewables integration, Damien has advised on issues relating to the facilitation of higher levels of renewable penetration on the Irish and UK system.  Damien has also carried out work to understand the impact of renewables generated interconnector flow volatility on markets.