
Aria Rodgarkia-Dara

Aria Rodgarkia-Dara

Aria is a Manager in Frontier’s Energy practice with over 15 years of experience in the energy sector.

He specialises in regulation of energy networks and market design. He has advised both regulators and regulated companies across Europe on a wide range of regulatory issues. He also provides transaction advice to investors in regulated networks, advising on how economic regulation drives value and risk.

Aria worked for Frontier from 2010 to 2017 and re-joined in 2020. From 2017 to 2019 he was head of energy economics and marketing at Verbund Trading in Vienna.

Previously, he worked for VERBUND in the department for Strategy & Corporate Development and for the Austrian energy regulator (E-Control) where he was responsible for the design and implementation of incentive-based regulation for electricity and gas distribution networks.

Aria combines his economics expertise with practical experience from his work for the regulator and the industry.