
Philippe Majerus

Philippe Majerus

Based in Brussels, Philippe works with private and public sector clients across the Competition, Energy and Public Policy practices.

The projects he worked on since joining in 2020 include supporting the DCMS in evaluating the cost and benefits of regulating artificial intelligence, estimating the impacts of underinvesting in national electricity retail networks, and assessing cartel damages.

Prior to joining Frontier, Philippe worked as an assistant at the Embassy of Luxembourg in Berlin, and later as a research assistant on policy and environmental topics at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW).

A Luxembourgish native speaker, Philippe is fluent in German, French and English and has a good command of Spanish.


What weird food combinations do you enjoy?

Mustard and cheese – I live in Belgium after all!

How would your pet describe you?

Always hungry and needs to go outside a lot – Yes I read the question right!

What did you want to be when you were 10?

A Jedi Master