
Strategy powered by economics

An economics toolkit is a powerful way to hone in fast on the behaviour of customers and competitors, leading to better commercial decisions. We’re passionate about using the power of economics. It helps us understand the dynamics of the market you compete in, and gets to the truth about your position within this market.

Exceptional analysis meets creative problem-solving

To design the right analysis for the right question, we use a hypothesis-based approach.

Our people are known for looking beyond the obvious and taking a fresh and creative approach to solving critical strategic problems. This may involve bringing in new and innovative methodologies, or relevant expertise from other sectors.

It’s rigorous strategic advice, communicated with refreshing clarity.

Corporate strategy

Which markets should you be in, and which should you not? This is the most fundamental question for an overarching corporate strategy.

Changes in technology, regulation and consumer behaviour are then what creates the parameters for your success.

We help boards tackle these issues by applying the economics of strategy and competition, rigorously and impartially.

This includes:

  • Understanding and exploiting competitive advantage
  • Economic modelling and assessment of specific markets
  • Scenario development and modelling
  • Anticipating competitor strategies and responses
  • Market entry and exit, M&A support and valuation
  • Capital allocation and portfolio optimisation
Product and data strategies

Units within a business are working in markets that have their own dynamics, customers, competitors and regulators.

Strategic business unit decision-making must focus on what drives value and what choices your customers are making.

Our goal is to help clients organise themselves, their products and their data to develop winning propositions and secure the best from their position in the value chain.

This includes:

  • Understanding where better data analytics will generate value (and where it won’t)
  • Product and proposition development and innovation
  • Designing and running effective tests and trials of propositions
  • Pricing strategy including multichannel and online
  • Supply and procurement strategies
  • Improving management information
Customer and behavioural analytics

Behavioural economics could be the most important work you ever do for your business. Leading your customers to change their behaviour is the outcome you want and need. But surveys and focus groups simply don’t do the job.

We help clients to develop their competitive advantage through customer strategies, including:

  • Understanding your customers’ true feelings, motivations and behaviours
    Unpicking price perceptions
  • Analysing loyalty and lifetime value
  • Switching and retention analysis
  • Segmentation based on actual behaviour and economic value
  • Designing rigorous trials and experiments
  • Building capability in behavioural analysis
Pro-active regulatory strategy

Making regulation feel like less of a constraint to you than it is for your competitors is clearly a competitive advantage. The key to that is to engage with the regulators and get ahead of the debate.

We devise pro-active strategies and ways to respond to change in regulation in heavily and lightly regulated environments.

We also help those coming before economic regulators and inquiries such as the Competition and Markets Authority, European Commission, and the Financial Conduct Authority.

In summary, we do:

  • Regulatory strategy development
  • Regulatory brand audit and strategy
  • Regulatory risk and scenario assessment
  • Engaging regulatory authorities
  • Support in investigations