Low pay is in the spotlight. 26% of women and 16% of men are in low paid work. Job security and patterns of work and pay are also changing rapidly.
We use robust economic analysis of labour markets to understand these trends and develop policy responses.
Recently we have worked on:
- The links between migration and labour markets.
- How best to deal with long term unemployment among young people in Europe.
- The role of house prices and the cost of living in labour supply decisions.
- Evaluating the impact of new childcare policies on parental employment.
- The economic consequences of mass layoffs.
- The impact of minimum wage reforms on labour market outcomes.
We also work more widely on the factors that affect the attractiveness of a county, city or town for high skilled workers: the impact of investments in cultural institutions, infrastructure, health and education. We understand that labour market outcomes result from that combination of demand for skills, supply of talented people and development of attractive places to live.