
Vikram Balachandar

Vikram Balachandar

Vikram is a Manager in the Energy Practice in our Brussels office. He has over 10 years of experience in the energy sector advising on issues related to policy, regulation, disputes and transactions.

His work spans a range of topics including energy market design, security of supply, support mechanisms for low-carbon energy, decarbonising buildings, the hydrogen economy, energy taxation and State aid, with a particular focus on EU-related energy and climate policy issues. He regularly supports clients in making convincing evidence-based cases to public authorities for regulatory change.

Prior to joining Frontier, Vikram worked as an economist at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and at the European Commission (DG COMP), advising on energy State aid issues. Vikram holds a MSc in Economics from London School of Economics and a BSc in Economics from University College London.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

A car designer. But while the motivation was there the artistic skills were sadly lacking.

What’s your go to coffee order?

Make mine an Earl Grey.

Where/When would you go to in a time machine?

Would be amazing to demonstrate the concept of evolution to my kids.