
Jed Fletcher

Jed Fletcher

Jed works across all of Frontier’s practices, and has experience using a wide range of qualitative and quantitative techniques to solve client problems.

Since joining in 2019, he has applied his economist’s toolkit to a variety of projects including econometric estimation of damages in litigation cases, behavioural economics modelling, and formal policy evaluations. Having worked across multiple industries, Jed is able to bring new perspectives on topics such as oligopoly regulation and consumer behaviour.

Prior to working at Frontier, Jed completed a BSc Economics with French at the University of Exeter and an MSc Economics at University College London. In between his bachelor’s and master’s courses, he was a Long-term Intern at Frontier.

Alongside his project work at Frontier, Jed contributes to Frontier’s employee network for disabilities and health conditions.


If you won the lottery, would be the first thing you buy?

Millions more lottery tickets! Also, a rice cooker.

Who would play you in a movie?

Ideally: Channing Tatum. Realistically: Steve Buscemi…

If you could gain one quality or ability, what would it be?

In summer, I would like to be able to visit my apartment in winter. And in winter, I’d like to be able to visit my apartment in summer.