In an article in today’s issue of German broadsheet Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) Christoph Riechmann and David Bothe of Frontier Economics discuss the future of natural gas as a heating source in an increasingly decarbonized world. They argue that the prospects of natural gas will diminish, but the existing infrastructure can sensibly be used to transport and store vast amounts of energy in the climate-friendly forms of synthetic gas and biogas. This can help avoid certain new transport investments that would otherwise be required in the power sector and thereby complement the energy strategy in countries such as Germany. Certain regulatory and policy decisions are required before this will happen.
Frontier regularly advises public and private sector clients on issues relating to energy and climate policy.
For more information or to request a copy of the article (in German), please contact Miriam Rau (m.rau@frontier-economics.com, +49 221 337 130).