Amar Breckenridge, Senior Associate at Frontier Economics, today presented the findings of research on the links between aviation, tourism and growth in the context of Brexit, and the implications for future negotiations between the EU and the UK. The presentation was held at the European Parliament, at a roundtable convened by MEPs Istvan Ujhelyi, Claudia Tapardel and Salvo Pogliese in association with Ryanair.
Amar’s presentation drew on research, led by Dan Elliott of Frontier’s Transport and Water practice, that underscores the vital contribution that intra-EU air connectivity makes to economic activity by facilitating tourism, trade and investment. It specifically emphasised the contribution of UK-based travellers to the economies of the other 27 EU members, with UK travel typically accounting for between 10% and 40% of total EU travel for Member States. This in turn highlights the importance to both the EU and the UK of securing a framework for air services rights that replicates current levels of liberalisation.
Frontier Economics regularly advises clients on transport, trade and policy matters raised by Brexit. For an overview of the potential impact of Brexit on the aviation sector, please refer to our recent bulletin ‘Over and out’.
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