Frontier / ETR study proves the importance of energy in the regions of Aachen, Cologne and Middle Lower Rhine

The Chambers of Industry and Commerce from Aachen, Cologne and the Middle Lower Rhine (IHK) today published a study by Frontier and ETR (Economic Trends Research), analysing the importance of energy as a value adding factor for the region.

Based on new economic data, the study shows the importance of energy-intensive industries, such as chemical, metal and paper, for the region. Due to the long coal mining history, the share of energy-intensive production processes in the wider industrial value creation is significantly higher in this region, compared to the rest of Germany. As a result the region is particularly affected by energy policy decisions.

The study highlights the close integration and interdependence of energy-intensive industries into far-reaching value chains with other industries and regions benefiting directly from the energy-intensive companies in the region. Our study suggests that every euro generated from the regional energy-intensive industries derives 3.5 times as much value (and more than 3 times as many more jobs) nationwide.

Frontier Economics regularly works on the economic and regional economic effects of energy policy.

For further information please contact Miriam Rau ( or +49 (0) 221 337 131 00).


Die bedeutung des wert-schopfungsfaktors energie in den regionen aachen, koln und mittlerer neiderrhein