The Chambers of Industry and Commerce from Aachen, Cologne and the Middle Lower Rhine (IHK) today published a study by Frontier and ETR (Economic Trends Research), analysing the importance of energy as a value adding factor for the region.
Based on new economic data, the study shows the importance of energy-intensive industries, such as chemical, metal and paper, for the region. Due to the long coal mining history, the share of energy-intensive production processes in the wider industrial value creation is significantly higher in this region, compared to the rest of Germany. As a result the region is particularly affected by energy policy decisions.
The study highlights the close integration and interdependence of energy-intensive industries into far-reaching value chains with other industries and regions benefiting directly from the energy-intensive companies in the region. Our study suggests that every euro generated from the regional energy-intensive industries derives 3.5 times as much value (and more than 3 times as many more jobs) nationwide.
Frontier Economics regularly works on the economic and regional economic effects of energy policy.
For further information please contact Miriam Rau ( or +49 (0) 221 337 131 00).