For the second time in two years, Frontier and Caritas Cologne today organised a “Jobcafé” for refugees. The aim of a “Jobcafé” is for people already integrated in the German labour market to help refugees with their applications to jobs and apprenticeships.
In one-on-one interviews and with a potpourri of German, English, French and some sign-language, a team of Frontier employees worked with 12 refugees from 9 different countries. The team collaborated with the applicants to work out their strengths and to formulate and format their CVs. After a productive day, all participants were able to take home their individual CV and cover letter. Frontier is planning further events to support the Job Café and wishes the applicants good luck with their applications.
Frontier regularly collaborates with charities and charitable organisations in Europe and all over the world.
For more information, please contact Miriam Rau on m.rau@frontier-economics.com or 0221 337 131 00.