The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain (TRA) has today met a major milestone in the legal separation of the Kingdom’s incumbent telecommunications provider, Batelco, into separate network and retail companies, by releasing a consultation on the price and non-price terms of the wholesale reference offer (RO) of the new network entity. The RO sets out the wholesale products that the separated entity intends to provide to Batelco’s own retail unit as well as to Other Licensed Operators (OLOs). The consultation requests the industry’s preliminary views on aspects such as the specification of the wholesale products and on the future price regulation system, which the Authority proposes shall be based on a multi-year price control.
Frontier regularly advises organisations and regulators across Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia on competition and policy issues in the telecommunications and media sectors, including on functional and legal separation of businesses.
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