The UN Global Compact (UNGC) is the largest global corporate sustainability initiative, with the goal of creating a sustainable business world for the future.
For this to be a success, the UNGC encourages businesses participating in the initiative to embrace sustainable and socially responsible policies based on the ten principles of the UNGC which cover human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Ultimately, we all, whether individuals, public sector or private sector, have a responsibility for supporting development goals.
Frontier has been a UNGC member since 2014 and has this year, once again, reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the initiative. Our latest communication of progress details the actions we are taking to improve the integration of the UNGC and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations.
Some of our goals for the coming year to help integrate the UNGC principles further in our business include:
- Human rights: Communicating to colleagues across the whole firm the importance of giving explicit consideration to human rights issues when doing business and also strengthening our guidance for managers and senior members of staff on our commitment to the UNGC principles.
- Labour: Promoting employee engagement with the Frontier values and our UNGC commitment, in particular among our more junior colleagues. We will also be committed to continue to promote our Diversity and Inclusion programme which is focused on all aspects of the employee journey from recruitment to exit.
- Environment: Continuous efforts towards reducing CO2 emissions per head, and a commitment to the Plastic Free Pledge, seeking ways to reduce or omit the use of plastic in our office environments as much as reasonably possible. We continue to shape the debate on sustainability through our research and client work and will seek out further opportunities for employees to contribute positively to the environment through volunteering, pro-bono work, and charitable donations.
- Anti-corruption: To continue to conduct all business in an honest and ethical manner. We continue to be committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.
Frontier manager, Clive Kenny, notes:
“I think it is vital that we continue to make the commitment to support this initiative and play our part in changing business practices and paving the way for a more sustainable and socially responsible future. I’m looking forward to continuing our work on further embedding the UNGC’s ten principles into the way we work at Frontier.”