Blue, green or pink hydrogen?

In a webinar today, Dr. David Bothe, Associate Director in Frontier’s Cologne office, gave an insight into the economics of different sources of hydrogen in terms of quantities, costs and supply security.

The webinar was part of a series called "H2 perspectives" organised by the German association of the gas and water industry DGVW.

Taking up the “theory of colours” (e.g. blue, green or pink) for various hydrogen sources, David emphasised that it was not only the colour that mattered. In the end, David said, it was necessary to take into account the different production paths and to balance the entire life cycle. He emphasised the importance of a technology-open future hydrogen regulatory framework, stressing that the provision of considerable quantities of hydrogen could only be realised by a combination of different production paths.

You can find the presentation here.

Frontier regularly advises on energy transition, sector coupling, hydrogen and on alternative fuels and combustibles. 

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