Federico Cilauro, consultant at Frontier, today gave a Westminster Forum presentation at a Westminster eForum seminar on UK tech post-Brexit. Federico focused on how businesses can derive productivity growth from investment in digital technology. Firms’ ability to do so – termed ‘absorptive capacity’ – depends on a number of factors including, critically, the skills of its workforce. The increasing demand for digital skills is likely to pose challenges for maintaining and fostering absorptive capacity in the UK, as highlighted by Frontier’s recent report on productivity in the creative industries.
Frontier’s research on the skills used at work suggests that digital skills required for employment are not merely ‘technical skills’, such as the ability to code, but also complementary competencies. These include the ability to analyse information, to communicate effectively, create original content, and find solutions to complex issues. The importance of complementary competencies should be taken into account when thinking about education, skills and labour market policies.
Frontier regularly advises both public and private sector clients on issues related to skills, productivity and technology.
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