Frontier’s Matthew Bell is a contributory expert to The Regulatory Horizons Council’s report on The Future of Space Technologies: Plugging the Gaps in Space.
This new independent report details a review of key current and future space technologies and how enabling regulation can support their responsible adoption in the space sector. The UK Government will publish a response to this report and its recommendations.
Space provides national and global opportunities, from providing basic services such as telecoms, navigation, internet, mapping and weather forecasting, to helping address climate change and energy challenges.
Commercial activities in space are likely to continue at speed over the next 10 – 20 years, and the regulatory landscape needs to develop and mature flexibly and proportionately, both internationally and domestically, alongside these developing technologies. The report details over 40 recommendations to achieve this aim.
The overall objective is the peaceful management of space environment to prevent over-exploitation and pollution and that nations can benefit equitably.
“It is rare that completely new areas of economic activity come into existence. The development of space is one of those rare opportunities. We also know getting economic, legal and technical regulation right is central to realising that growth opportunity. Economic analysis, in particular, can help prioritise and develop these new markets to greatest effect.” - Matthew Bell
The Regulatory Horizons Council would like more routes for civil society to shape the future of space, ensuring that a more diverse range of voices are heard.
Click here to read the full report The Future Regulation of Space Technologies Plugging the gaps in space
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