Frontier’s Kat Deyes collaborated with the City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA) on their newly released guide ‘How to use data to inform your mental health strategy’.
This guide for CMHA members has been created to help provide evidence on the impacts of different initiatives and to inform decisions about which interventions can make a difference, for whom, and to what extent. In our current climate of emerging new ways of working, hybrid models and flexible working, it is more important than ever that leaders pay close attention to the mental health and wellbeing of their people. This ‘How to’ guide looks to support CMHA’s members by providing options for generating the evidence they need to inform decisions about what support to provide and how.
Frontier’s Kat Deyes said: “Promoting mentally healthy workplaces boosts productivity and improves how people experience work so that they can be who they are and thrive. So, not only is there an excellent reason to focus on this to take care of the people that work in organisations, but it makes good business sense. A common challenge facing many organisations is understanding the extent to which mental health challenges are impacting on people and the organisation, and also what support to provide and how effective it is. This is where data can help…and it’s not as daunting as it may sound.”
Collecting and analysing a variety of data can enable:
- Learning about the current state of mental health and wellbeing of people in the organisation; options for supporting mental health; what works, for whom and under what conditions – and enables continuous improvement to understand what adds the most value for different groups of employees
- Accountability by providing evidence to the Board/budget holders on the case for action or change; how resources will be used to deliver better outcomes; and what has actually been achieved and the outcomes generated by the resources invested
- Informing future decisions by adding strength to the case for more or continued investment in resources for mentally healthy working practices and policies
For more information, please visit CMHA’s blog.
For more information, please contact or call +44 (0) 20 7031 7000.