Net Zero in France by 2050 – Design and assessment of public policy measures

Achieving France’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050 calls for profound and systemic transformations in the economy and in society.

Agence pour la Transition Ecologique (ADEME) has modelled a number of pathways in its Transition(s) 2050 scenarios. To support the transformations underpinning the scenarios, a range of public policy measures can be put in place to encourage and in some instances mandate change. Frontier Economics, in consortium with Greenflex, was commissioned by ADEME to identify and assess a set of such measures.

The report puts forward 79 measures spanning all areas of consumption and production in France. The potential impact of a subset of measures has been assessed for two of Transition(s) 2050’s pathways, and the report finds that the 10 (respectively 8) modelled measures would drive a 29% (respectively 17%) reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 compared to the baseline.

The measures are presented on figure 4 of the report, p.10. 

Please click here to read the full report.