We are pleased to announce that Frontier has been highlighted as a top economic consultancy in the finance, risk & compliance space as part of the Financial Times and Statista fourth annual rating of the UK's leading management consultants.
The results are based on the results of two Statista surveys. One gathered feedback from clients and the other collected feedback from consultants evaluating their peers. This year, 213 consultancies were listed across 29 categories.
In an increasingly competitive marketplace, we are proud that our hard work over the past year has been recognised in this way and that we can continue to distinguish ourselves as a go-to management consultancy, providing valuable advice and expertise to our clients. . To find out more about our work in finance, risk and compliance, you can take a look at our finance, financial services and transfer pricing.
If you’d like to see the full list of ratings for 2021, please click here.
For more information please contact media@frontier-economics.com, or call +44 (0)20 7031 7000.