
Emily Nielsen

Emily Nielsen

Emily provides regulatory and policy advice across a range of issues, with a focus on understanding how markets function and effective evaluations.

She is a Consultant across Frontier’s Transport & Water and Public Policy practices, with extensive experience with regulatory and financial economics across a variety of industries. She works across a range of policy areas including the digital economy, local growth and healthcare. Emily is providing regulatory support and modelling to water clients for on-going issues and for the next periodic review, as well as policy analysis and advice to government and third sector clients. Her policy work is focused on market functioning and sizing, cost benefit analysis and the use of qualitative evidence.

In 2019 Emily took a secondment to Frontier Asia-Pacific. While there she gave regulatory insight and advice to water clients, as well as leading the financial analysis for an expert witness report in a successful merger appeal in Federal Court.

Emily holds a MSc in Economics (Merit) from Birkbeck College, University of London. She also holds a MA (Honours) in Social Policy and Economics (First Class) from the University of Edinburgh, where she spent her third year at the University of Melbourne, Australia.